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09-03-09 Ann Sousa is a Shamanic Practitioner and Diviner, currently studying with Malidoma Somé, a West African Shaman. She has visited and traveled with Peruvian Shamans. She is a Shamballa and Reiki master. She holds a degree in Mental Health and Science, and has done extensive work in the process of death and dying for the past 25 years. Ann is an intuitive healer, channeling energy with the ancestors and the universe. She practices daily sacred ritual with the ancestors and has a deep and abiding connection with that realm. Ann is certified Firewalker Instructor.

At Shamanic Pathways Healing Center, my goal is to assist you in bringing harmonic Balance to all levels of your being within your vibration and frequency of manifesting. By utilizing the Dagara Cosmology and elementals through sacred rituals with the spirits of Fire, Nature, Water, Mineral and Earth. When we reset the patterns and behaviors through our lineage and ancient connections we experience the sacredness of our divine essence. Our true story emerges from our DNA and bones with Spirit as we find joy and contentment in our daily life.

My passion and commitment to the ancestors and the elements of the Nature Beings are deep within my bones. I love to bring sacred ritual from an experiential process into many different communities. My work is dedicated to the ancestors that I serve and to the resetting and rewriting of our stories. Resetting this from the vibration and frequency of fears, lacking and poverty to the magic and manifestation of abundance from all dimensions can create a magical CURRENT of shifts in ones life. 

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