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06-26-24 “Forgiveness and Awakening: Embracing the Holy Instant” – A Tribe of Christ Movie Commentary

In chapter 16 of A Course of Miracles, Jesus teaches us that the symbols of hate and love play out a conflict that does not exist, where symbols stand for something else. The symbol of love is without meaning if love is everything. Jesus teaches us that we cannot be content with symbols because there is an actuality of love and truth that has no opposites. As long as we perceive opposites, we are perceiving with the ego. The Holy Spirit uses these symbols of love to show us that there is more than just love.

The movie exposes the belief in private thoughts and their connection to private bodies, which are seen as acceptable in this world. Jesus calls us to share perfect communication and make the Holy Instant ours at once. The truth is simple, and complexity is the ego’s attempt to obscure the obvious. The Holy Instant is when you receive and give perfect communication, but it requires openness to receive and give. False thinking in terms of bodies, past, and future generates guilt and makes us feel unworthy of the light of the present moment.

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