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DrMiller_Elise11-13-15   A Conversation with Elisa Parker ‘See Jane Do’

This year’s theme for International Women’s Day is “Inspiring Change,” and in keeping with that, today’s guest is a superhero when it comes to inspiring women to discover their personal purpose and passion, and to bring that passion into action in the world. Elisa Parker is the co-founder, president & host of the award winning radio program, See Jane Do, and where she shares her wisdom, experience, and guidance serving women, social justice, and the environment.

In today’s episode we explore some of the roots of the enormous sexual inequality in our society, and how to change our story, personally and collectively, to transform our world. And transforming it desperately needs. Elisa will explain the media platform she has developed precisely to help awaken and support women through an online magazine, her weekly radio show on KVMR, the Passion Into Action Conference, and more.

Elisa also shares with us her own story, and the deeply moving passion that awakened her to her purpose. With degrees in Communications and Organizational Development, she is ideally prepared to serve this purpose, which takes her around the world to discover and share the extraordinary stories & solutions in each of us.

As you will learn, until a few thousand years ago the essential wisdom of the feminine was the central organizing principle of essentially all communities and cultures. The invention of powerful weapons made it possible for man to create a new kind of culture, one built on domination and subjugation. Now instead of honoring the needs of the earth and the balance of life, armed hoards could invade, steal food, rape, and enslave. The era of the sky gods and the masculine/dominant paradigm had begun. The resulting destruction of the planet and its peoples is obvious, from the killing fields of Syria to the sex slaves in San Francisco.

The world is changing faster than ever before, and we are reaching a crisis point. The complexion of our nation is changing, and the Old Paradigm is crashing. The best future is one that is informed and guided by the wisdom that women can bring out of the shadows and into the open – the wisdom of  Love, nurturance, conversation, and peace. Bring it on!

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