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The 10 Second Philosophy® is changing lives! Find out how and why people are calling Derek “The Standards Guy” 

Derek Mills, author of The 10 Second Philosophy® published by Hay House. The son of Jamaican immigrants to the UK, Derek was born in Birmingham in 1965. He grew up happily there with his six brothers and sisters, until, when he was 13; there was an unexpected death in the family. This plunged him into the world of a stutterer.

After school and various menial jobs, Derek went into financial services as a trainee. Throughout his 20’s and 30’s, far from being successful Derek had great financial challenges and debt. His situation became dire, and at one point his family home was moments away from being repossessed by the bank. He was working long hours that kept him away from his family.

By the end of 2003, in a moment of despair, Derek discovered a way to live his life differently. Out of this came a unique approach that changed everything, irrevocably. Over the next four years he turned his life and business around, made his first million and people began to ask him how he did it.

Derek is the author of The 10 Second Philosophy® published by Hay House. Using the power of TrueSelf and the utilization of Standards instead of goals to achieve happiness and success, Derek is invited to speak publicly and to coach and advise others. He speaks internationally and recently took the stage at the I Can Do It Conference in San Diego along with such speakers as Dr. Wayne Dyer and Caroline Myss.

He is a featured expert in the motivational personal development movie Keeper of the Keys starring Jack Canfield, John Gray and Marci Shimoff.

Derek is married to Gerry Mills; they have four children, and live in Worcestershire England. He is a 1st Dan in Karate, and enjoys riding and playing Polo occasionally.

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