Thursday 8am&8pmET
Saturday 2amET
What’s In Your Way IS The Way with Mary O’Malley
Most of us live in a world of struggle. Our day is filled with little struggles, big struggles, devastating ones and even silly ones. Imagine for a moment discovering how to move beyond struggle into the joy of showing up for the great adventure of Life. It really is possible to live from a place of openness and ease, even while experiencing deep challenges or tending to everyday tasks and obligations. What’s In Your Way IS the Way explores a revolutionary approach for healing everything that causes you to struggle with Life rather than fully experiencing it. Your host, Mary O’Malley, invites you to open to the radical notion that in your life, whatever you perceive to be in your way IS the way. In other words, your challenges are tailor-made to help you see your particular brand of struggle so you can unhook from it, allowing you to experience the joy of being fully alive, no matter what is happening in your life.
“Always say “yes” to the present moment. What could be more futile, more insane, than to create inner resistance to what already is? what could be more insane than to oppose life itself, which is now and always now? Surrender to what is. Say “yes” to life — and see how life suddenly starts working for you rather than against you.” – Eckhart Tolle
Evolutionary Voices for the Quantum Age Features Trailblazers, Visionaries and Pioneers Who Are Guiding Humanity To An Active Heart-Based Society~ Broadcasts Monday-Friday 8am & 8pmET
Weekly Thursday 8am/8pmET, Every Saturday 2amET
Thursday 8am/8pmET
Saturday 2amET
Topic: Meditation Simplified
We got sold a bill of goods when we were young – that we need to be better or different than what we are to know peace and joy. Join Mary in discovering the magic of relating to what you are experiencing rather than from it so that struggles can pass through you like clouds in the sky.
If you could step back and hear what your mind talks about all day you would see its main flavor is struggle. It likes this but not that. It thinks this is good and that is bad; this is right and that is wrong. You could then see that we struggle with our struggles, which is like trying to get out of quicksand. Join Mary in exploring how to unhook from struggle so you can be fully alive!
Learn more about Mary here: https://maryomalley.com/
Falling in Love with You self paced Course
To find out more information Click Here
Mary O’Malley’s Self-paced online course, Falling in Love with You. Please contact devrah@maryomalley.com for details.
This course is about discovering how you became disconnected from your own heart and the pathway back to meeting yourself with compassion and kindness, so you can know the joy of being authentically you.
Included in the course:
- 8 weekly lessons with audio and video files
- Invitations each week to help you bring what the course offers into your daily life
- PDF handouts of all lessons and invitations
- Lifetime access to the audio and video files and PDFs
What’s In Your Way IS the Way self-paced online course – start at any time.
To find out more information Click Here
Mary O’Malley interactive online course, What’s In Your Way IS the Way Self-paced Please contact devrah@maryomalley.com for details.
This course is designed to teach you how to access and live from a state of presence so that your life becomes simpler, easier and clearer, and a lot more fun!
Included in the course:
· 8 weekly lessons with audio and video files
· Invitations each week to help you bring what the course offers into your daily life
· PDF handouts of all lessons and invitations
· Lifetime access to the audio and video files and PDFs
Being Healed by Our Compulsions self-paced online course.
To find out more information Click Here
Please contact devrah@maryomalley.com for questions.
Mary’s course is about exploring a revolutionary way to heal and be healed by your compulsions. This interactive course is about discovering a new way of engaging with your compulsions rather than endlessly trying to manage them.
Included in the course:
- 8 weekly lessons with audio and video files
- Invitations each week to help you bring what the course offers into your daily life
- PDF handouts of all lessons and invitations
- Lifetime access to the audio and video files and PDFs
We invite you to read Mary’s latest Blog: https://maryomalley.com/blog/
I hope you will become a vital part of my show by submitting your experiences and questions each month to Devrah at devrah@maryomalley.com You will have total anonymity. Devrah will not share your information with anyone but me, and I will not use your name on the show if you don’t want me to.
If you aren’t already subscribed to our semi-monthly e-newsletter, you can do so by going to our website and filling in the form in the upper right-had corner of the Home Page. You will then receive a confirmation email with a time-sensitive link to confirm that you do want to subscribe. Be assured that the link is safe. You can also sign up for my weekly blog on the left hand corner.
One of Mary’s Quotes: “Freedom comes when we are without anxiety about non-perfection.”
BIO: Mary O’Malley is an author, counselor, speaker and awakening mentor whose work awakens others to the joy of being fully alive. Her inspired and transformative approach to working with the challenges of Life offers a way to replace fear, hopelessness and struggle with ease, well-being and joy.
As a result of a traumatic childhood, Mary was lost in a labyrinth of self-hatred, confusion, compulsions and despair, when one spring morning she walked into a yoga seminar. As soon as the teacher began to speak, Mary became intensely alert and deeply fascinated. As she listened to what he had to say, it felt like her life had been lived inside of a B grade, black and white horror movie, and all of a sudden it became a full color, four-star movie. She felt vibrant and alive, curious rather than reactive, compassionate rather than judgmental, and trusting rather than fearing. Although she returned to ordinary consciousness when she left the room, this awakening continued to work in the depths of Mary’s being, setting her on the path to changing her whole relationship with Life. She was freed from a lifelong addiction to struggle and opened into the joy and the wonder of being fully awake to Life. Since then, she has dedicated her life to helping others heal themselves by seeing and releasing what blocks them from Life’s joy. Through her individual counseling, books, classes, retreats, ongoing groups and radio show, Mary invites people to discover the joy and the safety of being truly here for Life. https://maryomalley.com/
She is acknowledged as a leader in the field of Awakening by many, including Neale Donald Walsch, Jeff Foster, Tara Brach, Jack Kornfield, Stephen Levine, and Christiana Northrup. Eckhart Tolle says, “Thank you, Mary, for your contribution to the evolution of human consciousness.” Mary clearly sees both the big picture and the details of human patterns and conditioning. Not only possessing an extraordinary ability to understand and connect with people, she also is skilled in empowering them around the challenges of Life in a way that results in greater inner awareness and a fuller capacity for joy. She is deeply committed to helping people heal their inner wars, so that they can become a part of the healing of our planet.