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The Project

Kids4Love_image003Kids 4 Love Project is an enlightening Radio Show for all ages yet it also includes an Enrichment Program to teach unconditional love to elementary children from six to twelve. Kids 4 Love Project is designed for within the class curriculum, special presentations within the classroom, after school programs or wellness centers.  Imagine schools with a focus not only on the mind, but the body and spirit of every child, making practice the cultivation of the pure love that resides in us all. The Kids 4 Love Project is a journey into self-discovery. It consists of fun creative tools to learn self-love, energy medicine utilizing Reconnective Healing™, a bit of meditation, tuning into intuition, how to utilize one’s IG {Inner Guidance} plus connecting to our natural surroundings. The vision is to broaden the scope to include school systems worldwide.

We start with one generation and by example they teach the generations ahead.

I Choose Love- I Am Love- I Stand For Love

During the facilitation of the  Kids 4 Love Project, Deborah will incorporate the award winning Color for Joy~A New Mandala Coloring Book created by Author and Artist Barbara Evans in collaboration with daughter, Charlotte. Far more than a coloring book – a unique concept which is like sunlight bursting through the clouds that immerses children of all ages in positive energies of Love and Joy. Coloring for Joy offers a point of connection with the positive emotional states that are so important for healthy growth and development.

COZ 27.Pawtucket-Child-Opp-ZoneThe Kids 4 Love Project has been facilitated in the Pawtucket R.I. After School COZ Program!

Miss Deborah and the Kids 4 Love Club are learning from each other–kids are learning about ‘Choice’ and it’s UP To YOU through the wonderful book Up to You by Author Pj Fay…each week the kids take on the role of a special animal in the story and play act… Learn about Up to You! by Author Pj Fay here

We’re learning about foods with great nutritional value and where they originated. The Kids are sharing their kind acts at home and school, helping others, learning values, manners, be in gratitude and how to choose love and be compassionate.

I Choose Love- I Am Love- I Stand For Love

IMG_0019The Kids all have their Kids 4 Love Project Bracelets which can be found click here.  Our vision is to have every child in every school wear the bracelets that represent self love, self worth and compassion, eliminating bullying and hurting each other.

Listen to our Kids 4 Love Project commercial:

To bring the Kids 4 Love Project to your school or center please contact Deborah at or 508-226-1723

Deborah Beauvais is the Founder/Owner Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network as well as Empowered Connections both created out of love with a vision to consciously serve humanity. She is an intuitive, healer and facilitator of Light as a Reconnective Healing™ and The Reconnection™ Practitioner trained by Dr. Eric Pearl. Deborah is founder of Kids 4 Love Project, an enrichment program and Kids 4 Love Project Radio Show~ celebrating children making a difference, inspiring others to follow their lead.


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Kids Book of the Month: Imagine A World: Full of Wonder, authors Heather Lean, Leigha Huggins

Host Book Corner: SOUL/Life Balance: A Guide to Igniting & Integrating Spiritual Awakenings, author Sam Kabert

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