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The Soul Seat with Devi Kour05-18-21 “How to Access the Higher Chakras 8-12”

If you are familiar and know how to raise your vibration for psychic work this may be easier for you to consciously activate and access your higher chakras if you’re new to raising your vibration or need to practice more to keep it at a higher level for a longer period of time this show Is a good start

Psychic answers and spiritual solutions

Providing psychic readings and meditation to my listeners

This show is about spiritual healing. A catalyst to lead you to your own healing abilities.

Assisting all souls to release unwanted cycles and patterns retained in the chakras, aura, or mind. The Soul Seat is about spiritual development, healing, and transformation.

Call In with a question and receive a Psychic Reading with Devi during Live Show 833-220-1200 or 319-527-2638

Learn more about Devi here: