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04-10-20 Getting to know Dr. Joyce on her Maiden Voyage in Radio

My maiden voyage!  Excited about my first show and getting to know all of you within this beautiful community of healers, seekers and those who are just putting their toes into the waters of living a joyous life – yes, even in the midst of a pandemic! With the world in a state of anxiety, fears and despair, it seems like perfect timing for me to launch a show called “Starving Your Fears” – no coincidences!  I want to share my thoughts with you and on give you some “tools” that you can use to calm yourself in a moment’s notice.  You may have heard to “just breathe” but I’m going to explain to you why that is so important and how easy it is to do no matter where you are. We’ll explore the amazing benefits of self-hypnosis and I’ll share stories with you about people who used it to change their entire lives in moments!  If you think you’ve never been hypnotized – you’re wrong!  Your greatest “hypnotists” have been your parents, teachers and most certainly the news and their views.  We’ll explore how you can change your thoughts and to stop feeding what you no longer desire in your life because what you starve will most certainly fall away and disappear  Join me as we travel down a different path in life called peace.

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