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12-01-12 This December 2012, in Teotihuacan, “the place where humans awake and become God,” you have a chance to participate in the event of a lifetime—closing out the Mayan calendar and ushering in the new era—alongside international bestselling author don Miguel Ruiz (“The Four Agreements”) and his highly regarded family of Toltec teachers.

Within the sacred site of Teotihuacan, on the outskirts of Mexico City, The Ruiz Family will host “Awakening The Giant” on Dec. 17-21, a sacred, powerful and intimate transformational experience that is equal parts spiritual learning experience, musical celebration, and mystical gateway.

The event is designed to allow families and individuals to participate in the awakening of humanity to its full power. Explains don Miguel: “When I was a young boy, my grandfather told me many stories of the Toltec Tradition, including the Story of the Sleeping Giant, a symbol for an unaware humanity. He told me that one day this giant will awaken in Mexico, and awareness will spread throughout the world. Humanity will return to its full potential. Years passed before this story surfaced again, as I sat on top of the Pyramid of the Sun, overlooking the sacred grounds of Teotihuacan I clearly saw the giant as a snake with two heads, laid out on the grounds, and I realized that this site was a 2,500-year-old map for enlightenment. Now the time has come for humanity as a whole to awaken to its full awareness; it is time to fully awaken the giant. Now is the time for us to stop living in fear, lies and superstition and welcome the era of truth. I invite you to come and join us on this auspicious and powerful occasion.”

don Jose Ruiz was born in Mexico City, Mexico and was raised in Tijuana, Mexico. When he was 21 he came to live in the U.S. with his father, don Miguel Ruiz. From a very young age don Jose was guided by many teachers present in his life including, his mother and father, his grandmother Sarita, and several other Naguals. don Jose Ruiz has now collaborated with his father don Miguel Ruiz on a new book that offers a fresh perspective on the Four Agreements, and a powerful new agreement for transforming our lives into our personal heaven: The Fifth Agreement.

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