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06-30-12  Author Amy Wood of Life Your Way ~Refresh Your Approach to Success and Breathe Easier in a Fast-paced World 

Amy Wood, Psy.D. is a licensed psychologist with deep knowledge of human nature and a gift for helping adults become their own versions of successful. Having worked with clients ranging from seriously disturbed psychiatric patients and incarcerated criminals to community leaders and corporate executives, she knows how people handle obstacles and how they change. No matter how complex the challenge, Dr. Wood has helped someone through it – all from the empowering perspective that every individual, regardless of circumstances, is a unique and valuable individual with the inner resources necessary to articulate and accomplish their goals. She facilitates growth and development through speaking engagements, writing, consulting, and one-on-one and group sessions. Dr. Wood is the author of Life Your Way: Refresh Your Approach to Success and Breathe Easier in a Fast-paced World and co-hosts the radio show Your Money & Your Life on Dreamvisions 7 radio. She also hosts the Life Your Way segment on Mind Your Own Business radio and is often featured in media ranging from local newspaper and TV to national radio and popular magazines like Parade and Women’s Day.

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