With a 750-year history in cultured beneficial bacteria, Natasha Trenev’s family produced legendary yogurt prized by the royal family of Yugoslavia. Her family arrived in the United States in the 1950s, when her father founded Continental Culture Specialists. Following graduation from UCLA in 1970, a decade of research led to Natasha’s development of the first revolutionary method of producing an effective and scientifically validated single strain probiotic bacteria product. Her efforts led to the establishment of the entire probiotics category in North America, Australia, England, Holland and Belgium. As a developmental scientist, Natasha has spent years studying the effects of beneficial bacteria and has written several books on the subject. Today, Natasha’s reference library is the world’s largest private repository on probiotics, referenced and recommended by prominent research scientists and medical schools. Author: Natasha is an expert on probiotics and has shared her knowledge with many through books, journal articles and articles in major scientific, peer-reviewed publications. She is currently working on additional books in the series of Probiotic Health Guides to continue her quest to educate the public. She is also working on her most scholarly yet easy-to-read book, which she hopes will become the global “probiotics bible.” Some of Natasha’s publications include: The first Probiotic Health Guide titled The Power of Probiotics: Secrets to Great Health in 2006; The definitive book on probiotics in 1998, Probiotics, Nature’s Internal Healers; The first authoritative, pioneering book in the field of probiotics in 1990, Probiotics: How Live Yogurt and Other “Beneficial Bacteria” Can Restore Health and Vi
Show 06-18-08