Artist Wolfsheart
Artist Wolfsheart Bio: WOLFSHEART-Three-time Native American Music Award Winner, Recording Artist and Performer, Native American Flute Player and Singer, who is perhaps best known for his multiple award-winning rock band Big City Indians is a well-known artist who...
Artist Catherine Rannus
Artist Catherine Rannus Bio: Catherine has been interested in the power of the mind since her late teens. Initially, reading books about how to be successful in business and positive thinking led to books about self-awareness and maintaining a healthy mind-body. After...
Artists R. Carlos Nakai & Will Clipman
Artists: R. Carlos Nakai & Will Clipman Nakai Bio: Of Navajo-Ute heritage, R. Carlos Nakai is the world’s premier performer of the Native American flute. He began his musical studies on the trumpet, but a car accident ruined his embouchure. Years later his musical...
Artists Fawn Wood & Dallas
Artists Fawn Wood & Dallas Bio: Fawn Wood was born in the rhythm of Round Dance season on an icy October evening. That evening resonated with the spirit of the Round Dance from her Cree ancestors through her father Earl Wood of Saddle Lake, Alberta. That same...
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