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03-16-21 Healing Beyond Pills & Potions with Steve Bierman M.D

Steve Bierman M.D. received his undergraduate degree from UCLA and his doctorate from Northwestern University, School of Medicine. After completing his Family Practice residency at UCSD, he worked nearly 20 years as a board-certified Emergency Physician at Scripps Memorial Hospital, in Encinitas, California. He is the founder of two medical device companies and holds over 200 utility patents on various medical devices. Dr. Bierman has two daughters–Clea and Raquel– is an avid surfer and lives in Del Mar, California with his wife Dianne and their three pugs.

As an Emergency Physician, Dr. Bierman became renowned for performing painless procedures, like simple injections, laceration repairs, and even childbirth. But his studied words and gestures did far more than prevent pain, they also produced astonishing physical outcomes: dangerous heart rhythms converted to normal, hemorrhages arrested and constricted airways dilated.

In private practice, Dr. Bierman went further along “the communication continuum” to forestall auto-immune diseases, shrink deadly tumors, relieve depression and ensure bloodless surgeries. Many of his cures seem like miracles. And yet, as Dr. Bierman explains, they are the inevitable consequence of a new and expanded understanding of disease causality and the focused power of ideas to access our Healer Within.

Healing Beyond Pills & Potions

In HEALING, Dr. Bierman draws on 40 years of clinical experience to restore Mind to medicine and Humanism to healing.

Patients do not need their professional caregivers to hold their hands and cry with them. They need their caregivers to use every bit of information and every modicum of skill they possess to minimize suffering and maximize health. The time for shared tears may come, but most often abundant opportunities to effect positive change precede those moments.

To Call In and Talk on Air: 833-220-1200 Toll Free or 319-527-2638 Direct

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