Evolutionary Voices for the Quantum Age
Humanity is evolving. Collectively we are learning how our thoughts can affect our bodies, and even change society. Large numbers of people are experiencing profound spiritual awakenings; many are identifying with their gifts, their soul calling with eagerness to share what they have learned. We have been moving from a materialism mindset to a compassionate oneness, asking how can we heal our planet and ourselves. We are evolving into the Quantum Age…some with knowledge through proven science; others from a ‘knowing’ received via higher guided messaging. We are finding that each of us is interconnected to a sacred magnificence…we are realizing our soul-mind has capabilities beyond what could be imagined. We are in the now and ready to leap. The human race collectively has the potentiality to make real change, quantum change.
Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network has experienced it’s own evolution that stems from a deep love for service. There’s a benevolent energy to the Station that one can feel as tangible. It has it’s own calling, receiving direction to create a platform for discussions, creating a flow of action to facilitate a graceful transition into the quantum age.
Our Radio Network and Community are voices for evolutionary change in all aspects of life including our world’s systems and structures.
Visionaries/Trailblazers/Pioneers are having wisdom talks, asking the hard questions, and providing thought and ideas that can work for the whole. Presently some systems have components that function well; many others could be enhanced or renewed. Soon we’ll see our technology take a quantum leap to support what is needed.
Our world is experiencing a tumultuous time yet there is extensive growth in compassion and harmony. Together as a heart based society we are co-creating an extraordinary existence for humanity and all life in general not only for this planet but for the multiverse.