07-26-24 #13 From Slopes to Success: Living Your Values with Guest Carlie, a Financial Planner & Adventurer
Join host Lisa on this special episode of “Nurse Your Soul” as she reconnects with her long-time college friend and snowboarding buddy Carlie, a values-driven financial planner, reminisces with Lisa about their adventurous days as poor snowboarders at Mount Baker 25 years ago. Together, they explore how they have woven their adventurous spirits and passions into their family lives today.
Carlie shares invaluable insights on how financial planning can help us follow our passions and lead a values-driven life. She introduces the concept of taking a sabbatical for career sustainability and avoiding burnout. Through engaging stories and practical advice, Lisa and Carlie discuss how aligning your values with your business or career makes work feel easy and fun.
Carlie also opens up about her personal struggles, including hitting rock bottom and battling trigeminal neuralgia, and the profound lessons these experiences taught her about life and business. Tune in this Friday at 7 a.m. or 7 p.m. on Dreamvisions 7 Radio Network to be inspired and empowered to live a life true to your values.
Speaker Bio:
Carlie Ransom, CFP®, AIF® is dedicated to helping mission-driven individuals balance their purpose and passions with financial security. Her journey began as a single science teacher seeking additional revenue streams. Despite making smart decisions, she realized there was still much to learn about investing. She noticed that her friends and community also lacked financial knowledge, inspiring her to start a financial planning practice so they could learn together.
After several years in the business, managing millions of dollars for hundreds of clients, including physicians, Carlie became determined to make financial planning more inclusive. This determination led her to connect with Danielle Hines, Maj. JD/LL.M, whose impactful financial education work resonated with Carlie’s vision. Together, in 2024, they co-founded Equal Path Investments to simplify complex financial concepts, ensuring that financial success is both meaningful and accessible to everyone.
Website: https://equalpathinvest.com/
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@equal_path_invest
Show Links:
Snag Carlie’s Free Course, “Impact and Income”. Are you impact-driven but want more Financial Strategies? Uncover the 7 money misconceptions that hinder changemakers. Identify the exact three steps you need to take to overcome these misconceptions so that you can transform your financial situation into a joyful and productive practice. If you’re ready to dive into the full “Impact and Income” Course, click here and use the code: NurseYourSoul, to receive the $50 discount.
Top of Hour Sponsor LINK
Join the Functional Nurse Academy if you are a nurse or NP who is sick of “sick care.” Use the code: NURSEYOURSOUL for $300 off by August 1st, 2024.https://www.functionalnurseacademy.com/lisa
Ways to Join Lisa’s Nurse Your Soul Community
FREE Facebook Group, Burnout to Bliss for High Achieving Women, for weekly LIVE trainings, tips, action steps, community, and workshops
Lisa’s Nurse Your Soul, Email Community with extra tips, trainings, upcoming radio show guests, workshops, and offers.
ZEN Zone: Freedom From Burnout Club.
Join my FREE FB community, “Holistic Nurse. and NP Entrepreneurs.” for free weekly trainings, workshops, and a community of like minded people. If you are a healthcare professional feeling ready to dip your toes into online entrepreneurship this is for you.
Feel free to email Lisa at np@nureseyoursoulwithlisa.com with questions , comments or topics you would love covered in future shows. She loves receiving emails from listeners, and personally responds.
Website: Nurse Your Soul With Lisa
Facebook Group: Burnout to Bliss for High Achieving Women
Facebook Profile: Lisa Dunlap
LinkedIn: Lisa Dunlap
Instagram Profile: Nurse Your Soul With Lisa
Thank you for making this! I love it!