03-07-25 #21 “Riding the Fear Wave: Turning Surfing Failures into Business Confidence”
About This Episode: Do you ever wonder how to reconnect to your soul, your passion and what lights you up? Join Lisa, your host of Nurse Your Soul, for another amazing episode. She and Kelly, founder of Mermaid surf school, uncover the lessons learned from surfing that they’ve both applied to their businesses. They also dive into the how committing to your passions, not only heals you but awakens your soul and other areas of your life. Join us.
Speaker Bio: Kelly Donovan is a surf coach for women, founder and owner of Mermaid Surf.
Mermaid Surf is an all-female surf school and community created to empower women through surfing, sisterhood, and stoke!
To contact Kelly and join her community:
Email: MermaidSurfCo@gmail.com
Sign-up for our weekly schedule and updates:
Mermaid Surf Report
Visit our website for more info:
Join us on Instagram:
Mermaid Surf Sisters
Ways to Join Lisa’s Nurse Your Soul Community
FREE Facebook Group, Burnout to Bliss for High Achieving Women, for weekly LIVE trainings, tips, action steps, community, and workshops
Lisa’s Nurse Your Soul, Email Community with extra tips, trainings, upcoming radio show guests, workshops, and offers.
ZEN Zone: Freedom From Burnout Club.
Join my FREE FB community, “Holistic Nurse. and NP Entrepreneurs.” for free weekly trainings, workshops, and a community of like minded people. If you are a healthcare professional feeling ready to dip your toes into online entrepreneurship this is for you.
Feel free to email Lisa at np@nureseyoursoulwithlisa.com with questions , comments or topics you would love covered in future shows. She loves receiving emails from listeners, and personally responds.
Website: Nurse Your Soul With Lisa
Facebook Group: Burnout to Bliss for High Achieving Women
Facebook Profile: Lisa Dunlap
LinkedIn: Lisa Dunlap
Instagram Profile: Nurse Your Soul With Lisa