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03-29-17   Spring Into Spring!

Spring is about rebirth, renewal, growth and above all, balance. Today’s show focuses on removing the layers of winter, both physically as well as mentally, and choosing which seeds to sow.

Spring is the perfect time to take stock of our lives and to choose what it is we want to grow in ourselves, our relationships, our lives and the world at large. Once we know exactly what it is we want (hint, be specific!) then we know exactly which seeds to plant. If we merely plant the seeds of “Peace” or “Abundance” we might get a different variety of peace or abundance than we realize! It’s your job to specifically pick the crop you wish to sow!

Spring is also about balance, and the realization that life is not meant to be lived in a total state of balance. Look at the seasons! Only two times a year do we have perfectly balanced days and nights! We are, and are only supposed to be, in balance for certain, brief yet glorious moments in time. Realizing that our chaotic, crazy lives are perfect when they are out of balance allows us to be more present, and to recognize the beauty of the moments when they are in balance.

Recognize the beautiful moments of serendipity, balance and joy, and then let them go, realizing that they will cycle back around to you in time!

Interested in a 14 Day Spring Into Spring, Home Weight Lifting Challenge? Join in the challenge here!

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