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09-06-17  Simplicity and Divine Providence

All complexity is of the ego mind, which creates opposites and divisions to maintain our perception of duality and separation. The ego analyzes everything and wants to keep its separate identity, while the Spirit wants us to simply forgive and see the world through eyes of innocence. In this intimate recording, David Hoffmeister talks about how on the spiritual path, it is easy to get into arguments about what is the best spiritual book, who are the best teachers, and so on. But all of this is simply an ego game attempting to keep us distracted from connecting to our natural state of peace. By listening to our inner Spirit Teacher instead, we can understand that we need never analyze anything, and that we are truly cared for by the Spirit’s Plan for our happiness. We can live in a perpetual state of Divine Providence as we learn to trust and follow this path back to the full awareness of God / Oneness!

This personal recording of David Hoffmeister took place at his home in Chapala Mexico on both August 20th and August 22nd, 2017.

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