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08-09-17  Depression Part Two

In last week’s show, Lora discussed suicide, depression and the resulting impacted on the human energy field. She explained how our energy field can be impacted in one of three ways. First, others can put energetic “barbs” or “bristles” in our energy field, giving us things to deal with that aren’t our to deal with. Second, our energy field can be impacted by our own negative thinking or by others projecting their negative thought upon us, creating dents, bruises or holes in our energy field. Third, our energy field can be drained when others plug in, or attach themselves to us, draining us of our energy and causing us to feel depleted or drained.

In this week’s show, Lora discusses practical steps we an take to help us feel better physically when we are experiencing depression or sadness. From positive thinking to exposure to sunlight to using food and herbs, you will learn a variety of tips and tricks that can increase your serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine levels, giving you a much greater chance of feeling better physically as well as mentally.

Are you ready for some play time? Lora is offering a FREE virtual personal training session to ANYONE who wins her Fitness Scavenger Hunt! Find details online, in the Facebook Group, “Flaunting Fitness!” Request to join, find the list of fitness items to snap pictures of, and get busy playing and posting your adventures!

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