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03-07-17  8th Law of Authentication

One of the more challenging of the 13 Laws – to Gain Full Responsibility. A deep, service based approach to life which feeds all the laws. What happens when we walk unconsciously in our environments? Linda Tucker tells us that by virtue of being responsible, power comes. It is a very different process to the old model of seizing power, which does not display real responsibility; and as law abiding citizens how do we revisit our role, our laws, our leaders and how do we define our relationship with power and authority?

We take originality to a much deeper level, and we commit to standing up to be counted and thereby stand in the only power that truly counts – our own.

Linda chats to Maurice Fernandez, arguably one of the most accomplished Astrologers in the world today to get his take on the Law of Authentication. We look at how the Laws are reflected in the heavens, in the ancient signs of astrology. How we can use these signs and wonders that are gifted to us by our incredible universe are there to guide us, illuminating the lessons and blessings of our paths. Maurice is one of the regular facilitators at the annual White Lion Leadership Academy; he brings a special perspective to the role and application of lessons from the heavens in the daily evolution on our lives.

We end our show with a special gift – a story, written by Linda Tucker, for children but designed to delight all ages. So close your eyes, sit back and join us – this is soul-food at its best.

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